Teaching Bursary Scheme 2024/25
- The Teaching Bursary Scheme is open to individuals wishing to undertake a one-year PGDE ITE course in Scotland that leads to the award of registered teacher status in Scotland's hardest-to-fill teaching subjects.
- The level of bursary is £20,000 per student.
- The bursary is an incentive to ease the financial transition for career changers to undertake initial teacher education and will be over and above any normal student support provided by Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS), as long as students meet the SAAS eligibility criteria.
- Students eligible for the bursary can also apply separately to SAAS to have tuition fees paid by the Scottish Government.
For the academic year 2024/25, the Bursary-Eligible Teaching Subjects are...
...at Secondary School Level:
- Chemistry
- Computing Science
- Home Economics
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Technological Education
- Modern Languages (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish)
...and these Gaelic teaching subjects:
- Gaelic as a Language/Subject at Secondary School Level
- Gaelic Medium across all Secondary Subjects
- Primary Education in Gaelic Medium
Applicants need to hold a 2.1 degree or meet the minimum initial teacher education (ITE) entry requirement with a relevant masters qualification, the content of which would make them suitable to teach their chosen Bursary-Eligible Teaching Subject.
Applicants need to have been in paid employment for at least 36 months out of the last 84 months (including career breaks and any periods of furlough). Applicants who can evidence they have been in receipt of Carer's Allowance for 36 months out of the last 84 will also be deemed to meet the employment eligibility criteria.
Including exceptions, applicants ordinarily need to have been out of full-time education since 30th September 2021.
Applicants must have an offer of a place on a PGDE ITE programme at a Scottish university before applying.
Normal entry requirements for PGDE ITE also apply.
Tha Sgeama na Bursaraidh Teagaisg fosgailte dhaibhsan a tha airson teagasg 'Foghlam Bun-sgoile tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig', 'Gàidhlig mar Chànan/Cuspair aig ìre Àrd-sgoile' agus 'Gach Cuspair Àrd-sgoile tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig'.
For the Gaelic Education courses, you must be a fluent speaker and able to read and write in Gaelic.
Feumaidh tu a bhith fileanta agus comasach air leughadh agus sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig airson na cùrsaichean Foghlam Gàidhlig a dhèanamh.
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This site is updated regularly to reflect the latest eligibility criteria. Please ensure you read all the information we have provided to support potential applicants, including flowcharts, Employment Evidence Guidelines and the Terms and Conditions.
In the unlikely event you cannot find the information you need, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We aim to reply to queries within 3 working days.
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